Tuesday, April 1, 2014

schedule updates and essay writing assignment


1: *small group workshop: bring Creative Essay to workshop

3: Essay Packet 2 (emuonline) Read selections:

Mint Snowball
Mute Dancers
(skip some essays)
Teaching a Stone to Talk

8: Bring your own essay 2 assignment to share/discuss/workshop

10:  [no class meeting]

15: TBA

17: *Creative Essay(s) Due 3-4 pages total
*Publishing Project Due
Final discussions and assignments

Essay Writing Assignment 2

Creative Essay Writing Exercise: Memory, Person, Place

1.      Choose one of the following to focus on:

  A memory from childhood;

  A particular person from childhood or who has been intriguing to you or   important in your life;

  An animal, place, phenomenon that intrigues you and you want to investigate further.

Then, write a detailed description that evokes every sense through the language you use to show this memory/person/phenomenon, without using the pronoun “I”; write at least 1-2 paragraphs.

2.      Next continue or revise or expand what you have to turn it into a whole essay. You can add “I” or other characters and/or bring in other elements that will add to the work.

Creative Essay Writing Exercise: Memory, Person, Place